ATSPM's show real-time and historical functionality at signalized intersections. This allows traffic engineers to directly measure what previously could only be estimated and modeled.
The following are those who have contributed changes to the ATSPM system:
The ConvertDBForHistoricalConfigurations executable has been added to the executables folder.
A bug that can prevent the chart usage report from working has been fixed.
The Split Fail measure now shows the full time span selected.
The method the Arrivals On Red measure uses to create bins has been updated to prevent boundary issues.
A bug preventing the FTPfromasc3 project from running properly has been fixed.
Additional updates have been made to the aggregation tables and programs.
A bug in the Wait Time measure has been fixed; Phase Call Dropped events are now considered whenever stop bar presence detection is being used.
New measure calculating the average wait time for vehicles by approach and movement.
Left turn phasing analysis based on existing gaps, volumes, and critical gap.
New admin page with the ability to modify default options and thresholds for all measures.
-Migrate to .NET 6.0
-Migrate to Entity Framework Core 6.0
-Improved API
-Green-Time Distribution
-Time-Space Diagram
-Options to download data in raw or 15-minute aggregated forms
-Improved data compression